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More Projects

Here you can find some of the smaller projects I've done since I've started high school. Ranging from science to graphic design.They're in no particular order and not by subject. Enjoy!


Science is not my favorite subject and certainty not something I would do a massive project around. Unfortunately, I can't avoid it either. So to get my science credit, I decided to do something with biotech. It sounded interesting to me and I knew little about it. To start, I began learning the basics of what I needed to know and then did a pGLO lab with jellyfish DNA and E.Coli.

Here is the link to my write-up:

Biotech Write-Up


This was sort of like a mini course that a couple of my teachers ran last year. It's an important life skill that everyone should be taught and something everyone should know at least a little about. We were taught how to fill out different types of forms with different information and then went and researched some questions we were interested in.

Here's the link to some of my work:

Tax Research

1099 - Jane Doe

W-2 - Jane Doe


I took this an an elective outside of Mosaic and found it was different than what I thought it would be. We studied a lot that I wasn't really expecting to. However, I liked that about it. It was a lot of work and even more homework that we had to complete but it was worth it.

Here are some links to work I've done:

Behavioral Neuropsychologist

Psych Write- Up

Borderline Personality Disorder

Grit TED Talk and GRIT paper

GAP Year

MAD Week

This is a school event that's run each year that benefits a non-profit. Anyone is allowed to propose a foundation and then are required to present in front of a select group of people who, ultimately, decide the top three. My pick, Jordan's Angel Foundation, made the top three and we were required to make a video. Those are shown to the whole school and they pick the one they want to raise money for. I made it to the video part but ended up taking second place. I did this my freshman year and loved the process but decided not to pursue it the next year.

Here are some links to work I've done:

MAD Week Proposal

JAF Prezi

Graphic Design

Honestly, I only took this class because I had a friend in it and I needed the credit. However, when I started working, I found that I really liked doing it. It's astounding how much you can do and create using some different sites. Through the next year and a half, I'm hoping to take Graphic Design 2 and 3 to advance my skills because I think it will come in handy for what I want to be after school.

For the coffee house project, we had a competition to see whose logo would be used to advertise for the event. My logo won and I was asked to create another with the school logo and the flyer they were going to hand out. It's was shown on the big billboard near the Outlets to advertise. 

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