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Here's a look at some of the work I've done and pictures I've taken. Photography is a passion of mine that I've been doing for years now and I almost always have a camera on me! I think I love it so much because it's a chance to show others how I view the world and my perspective on it.


I took an art class for my first semester of my freshman year and found that I'm not really as much of a fan of painting and pastels as I am of just drawing and sketching.

Denver Art museum

I had the chance to go to the Denver Art Museum this year and fell in love with some of the pieces I saw. I went through the original building that had all the older art and was most intrigued by the Asian art floor. I thought these pieces had incredible, intricate detailing that made them stand out to me. Please scroll through the pictures I took below to see some of my favorites.

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